Localization by TEM and EELS of deuterium trapping sites in CFC exposed to plasma irradiation in Tore Supra
Carbon fiber composite (CFC) Sepcarb® N11 is used in the tokamak Tore Supra as plasma-facing components. To investigate the fuel retention capability of this material, a mobile sample holder was used to expose CFC N11 samples to direct irradiation by the scrape-off layer plasma of Tore Supra at fluences up to 1 × 1025 m−2. Deuterium (D) elemental mapping using nuclear reaction analysis for the most-exposed CFC sample showed that D retention occurs at depths greater than 8 μm due to the presence of deep (>3.5 μm) local retention sites.
Published in
Journal of Nuclear MaterialsPublication date
Wednesday, April 15, 2009Resource category
Technique category