EELS Techniques

There are various electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) techniques you can use to analyze a sample. With each technique, results from an electron energy loss analysis will vary and are dependent on the needs of your specific experiment.

EELS Technique

Spectroscopy is core to all EELS experiments. Here, individual or groups of spectra are recorded to extract detailed specimen information, including composition, chemical state, and collective excitations supported by the material.

EFTEM Technique

EFTEM is a family of imaging techniques that utilize properties of the energy loss spectrum to increase contrast, remove the effects of chromatic aberration, and create unique contrast effects in the image.

DualEELS Technique

DualEELS™ is a type of EELS experiment where both the low-loss and the core-loss EELS data is acquired in a single dataset.

SI Technique

Spectrum imaging is a method that generates a spatially resolved distribution of EELS data.