Acquisition Flow and Feedback
Flow control
Locate the region of interest, and ensure the microscope and filter are correctly aligned.
Set up the EFTEM spectrum imaging (SI) acquisition parameters.
Click the Capture button to start EFTEM SI acquisition.
Complete pre-acquisition steps.
Align the ZLP.
Determine the auto-binning value.
Set the initial auto-exposure value.
Perform EFTEM SI acquisition.
You can monitor how the acquisition is proceeding using the visual feedback features.
Visual feedback
Zero Loss Peak Alignment – Invokes the EFTEM zero-loss alignment routine at the start of the acquisition
- EFTEM SI Spectrum Image display – Displays two images during data acquisition; the left-most image is the EFTEM spectrum image, while the right-most image is the last acquired image
- Live Spectra – Extracts a live electron energy loss spectrum from a desired region of the EFTEM SI being acquired
- Place a spectrum picker region of interest (ROI) to the EFTEM SI – Right-click on the EFTEM SI data and select the Spectrum Picker tool
- Move the added ROI to the desired area of the spectrum image
- A live spectrum will then be displayed and will update as the acquisition proceeds